Monday, September 5, 2011

Search flist to find billinfo and account poid using account_no

Following is a complex search flist for finding BILLINFO poid and ACCOUNT poid using the ACCOUNT_NO field. As such this is used while running the bill utility during test runs but consider it as a sample for searching and extracting field values from two different storable class in single search. Generally, using a simple flist this is not achievable.

0 PIN_FLD_POID                      POID [0] /search -1 0
0 PIN_FLD_FLAGS                      INT [0] 768
0 PIN_FLD_TEMPLATE                   STR [0] " select X from /account 1, /billinfo 2 where 1.F1 = 2.F2 and 1.F3 = V3 "
0 PIN_FLD_RESULTS                  ARRAY [*] allocated 2, used 2
1     PIN_FLD_POID                  POID [0] NULL
1     PIN_FLD_LINKED_OBJ           ARRAY [2] allocated 3, used 3
2         PIN_FLD_ACCOUNT_OBJ       POID [0] NULL
2         PIN_FLD_LINK_DIRECTION    ENUM [0] 1
2         PIN_FLD_EXTRA_RESULTS    ARRAY [*] allocated 1, used 1
3             PIN_FLD_POID          POID [0] NULL
0 PIN_FLD_ARGS                     ARRAY [1] allocated 1, used 1
1     PIN_FLD_POID                  POID [0] NULL
0 PIN_FLD_ARGS                     ARRAY [2] allocated 1, used 1
1     PIN_FLD_ACCOUNT_OBJ           POID [0] NULL
0 PIN_FLD_ARGS                     ARRAY [3] allocated 1, used 1
1     PIN_FLD_ACCOUNT_NO             STR [0] ""

I will provide the explaination shortly.


  1. Please provide the explanation for the above search template.

  2. can u pls explain this linked search.

  3. Can you please explain the linked object search?

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