Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enabling pin_virtual_time first time after BRM 7.4 installation

During development many times we need pin_virtual_time utility to move the BRM time forward to test many scenarios like billing, invoicing, dunning et.c.
After installing the BRM 7.4 components in the server, generally the pin_virtual_time_file is not created and also the entry is commented in almost all the component's pin.conf file.
Here are some tips to enable the pin_virtual_time (may be useful to novice BRM developers/testers)

1). Uncomment pin_virtual_time entry in all the components' pin.conf file. You may run the following command :
find  $PIN_HOME/ -name "pin.conf" | xargs sed -i 's/# - - pin_virtual_time/- - pin_virtual_time/g'
2). Restart the BRM server
3). Goto the $PIN_HOME/sys/test directory and execute
    $> pin_virtual_time
    This will create the pin_virtual_time_file and from now on you can move the time.

usage: pin_virtual_time [-h|-H|-?] [-f filename] [-m mode [value]]|[-i interval]
    -h, -H, -? print this message.
    -m ... set pin_virtual_time to mode, nothing or -i query pin_virtual_time
    mode is 0 (regular), 1 (fixed) or 2 (running)
    value as [mmdd]HHMM[[cc]yy][.SS]
    interval is time between queries in seconds


  1. Once BRM time is moved forward, how can it be reverted back ?

  2. It depends on how people sets query's. Normally we will use "pin_virtual_time -m0" command to revert back to normal time.
    to Move "pin_virtual_time -m2 050110102016"
    After -m2 format is "<>"


Migrating PDC data from one system to another

Given System “A” with BRM and PDC and System “B” with BRM and PDC, following is the process for moving new or changed pricing data from ...