There are a few services that are supported out of the box in BRM. These services include GSM, GPRS, IP et.c. To support new service in BRM, lot of customization is required. This is specified in the BRM documentation, but spread in lots of areas so it becomes pretty difficult to take help of the BRM doc to implement a new service. Here are some of the steps /guidelines to priovide support for a new service in BRM. In this context we have used CDMA service implementation.
1]. Create or extend /service storable class e.g. /service/telco/cdma
2]. Create or extend the /event class for the delayed events (if the rating is to be done by batch pipeline) e.g. /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
3]. Map /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma event to /service/telco/cdma
a). Edit BRM_HOME/sys/data/pricing/example/pin_event_map file
Caution The load_event_map utility overwrites the existing event map. If you are updating the event map, you can not load new mappings only.You must load the entire event map each time you run load_event_map utility.
If you want to load gsm events also then you should edit BRM_HOME/sys/data/config/pin_event_map_telco_gsm file
b). Add the service - event mapping
/service/telco/cdma : /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma : Delayed CDMA session
c). Load the configuration to the /config/event_map using the utility load_pin_event_map
$> load_pin_event_map -dv pin_event_map_telco_gsm
4]. Defining RUMs for new service usage events
RUMs(Ratable Usage Metrics) are used to charge for the events. To define new RUMs(RUMs which are not already defined) for the new service, following steps should be performaed:
a). Define new RUMs in the pin_rum configuration file
b). Load the contents of the pin_rum file to /config/rum object by using the load_pin_rum utility
5]. Load item tags : If you want to add new/custom tag to use in the invoice/bill, you need to edit config_item_types.xml and config_item_tags.xml. In this example, we have created a new tag for CDMA service
a). Add the new tag element in the BRM_HOME/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_tags.xml
b). Load tags using load_config_item_tags
$>. load_config_item_tags -dv config_item_tags.xml
c). Add the item tag configuration in the config_item_types.xml
<ItemDescription>CDMA Telephony</ItemDescription>
<ItemType precreate="true" type="cumulative">/item/misc</ItemType>
d). Load using load_config_item_types
$>. load_config_item_types -dv config_item_types.xml
Define the new service and service class
1). Add new service using the pipeline setup toolbox in pricing centre
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Tool Box" from pricing centre
b. Click on Product&Service
c. Click on Service. Make a new service
d. Give below entries on "Service" page:
e. Give below entries on "Service Class" page
2. Add reference mapping
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on reference mapping
c. Click on Product & Service
d. Enter the following entries on "Reference Mapping" page
3. Map service code
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on Mapping & Enhancement
c. Click on Map group
d. Map group looks like :
e. Click on ALL_RATE and edit
f. Goto to Service Code Map and create new with the following details
Note : Make sure that in the Service Code Map, new service map should come before default service(i.e, service map with name Everything else…)
4. Add container field for the new service
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on EDR
c. Click on EDR Container Description. This page will look like as :
d. Select ALL_RATE and edit. This will open EDR Conatiner Description with three tabs
i. EDR Container Description
ii. EDR Container Field
iii. Alias Mapping
e. Select Alias Mapping and create new Alias Mapping with the following details :
Configuring Pipeline Manager to rate the events of the new service
1. Configure the IRL_EventTypeSplitting iScript to split EDRs by service code: Add
as the last line in the PIPELINE_HOME/iScriptLib/iScriptLib_Standard/
2. Edit wireless.reg to redirect output for CDMA, add the following piece of code/configuration
#The /service/cdma/telephony output stream
ModuleName = OUT_GenericStream
EventType = /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
Grammar = ./formatDesc/Formats/Solution42/V670_EVENT_LOADER_OutGrammar.dsc
DeleteEmptyStream = True
ModuleName = EXT_OutFileManager
OutputPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
OutputPrefix = test_CDMA
OutputSuffix = .out
TempPrefix = .
TempDataPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
TemDataPrefix = cdma.tmp.
TempDataSuffix = .data
Replace = TRUE
}# end of TELOutput
ModuleName = OUT_GenericStream
EventType = /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
ObjectCacheType = CONVERGENT
Grammar = ./formatDesc/Formats/Solution42/V670_EVENT_LOADER_OutGrammar.dsc
DeleteEmptyStream = True
ModuleName = EXT_OutFileManager
OutputPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
OutputPrefix = test_CDMA
OutputSuffix = .out
TempPrefix = .
TempDataPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
TemDataPrefix = cdma.tmp.
TempDataSuffix = .data
Replace = TRUE
}# end of CONV_TELOutput
3. Create IFW_HOME/data/out/cdma/telephony
$>. mkdir -p IFW_HOME/data/out/cdma/telephony
Changes in PIN_REL for loading rated events
1. Add the event tables for the new event in the of apps/pin_rel
infranet.rel.storable_class.event_delayed_session_telco_cdma.number_of_tables = 9 = event_t = event_bal_impacts_t = event_essentials_t = event_dlay_sess_tlcs_t = event_dlay_sess_tlcs_svc_cds_t = event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t = event_tax_jurisdictions_t = event_rum_map_t = tmp_profile_event_ordering_t
2. Create ctl file for CDMA before loading the events using pin_rel
a. Copy the original event_dlyd_session_tlco_gsm_t.ctl to event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t.ctl, as we are not changing anything on field level.
b. Open event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t.ctl file and change the following…
(first the partition utility is run to create partition for /event/delayed /session/telco/cdma class)
partition_utils -o add -c /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
New service is ready to use. You can start by creating new products. deals, discounts and plans.
1]. Create or extend /service storable class e.g. /service/telco/cdma
2]. Create or extend the /event class for the delayed events (if the rating is to be done by batch pipeline) e.g. /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
3]. Map /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma event to /service/telco/cdma
a). Edit BRM_HOME/sys/data/pricing/example/pin_event_map file
Caution The load_event_map utility overwrites the existing event map. If you are updating the event map, you can not load new mappings only.You must load the entire event map each time you run load_event_map utility.
If you want to load gsm events also then you should edit BRM_HOME/sys/data/config/pin_event_map_telco_gsm file
b). Add the service - event mapping
/service/telco/cdma : /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma : Delayed CDMA session
c). Load the configuration to the /config/event_map using the utility load_pin_event_map
$> load_pin_event_map -dv pin_event_map_telco_gsm
4]. Defining RUMs for new service usage events
RUMs(Ratable Usage Metrics) are used to charge for the events. To define new RUMs(RUMs which are not already defined) for the new service, following steps should be performaed:
a). Define new RUMs in the pin_rum configuration file
b). Load the contents of the pin_rum file to /config/rum object by using the load_pin_rum utility
5]. Load item tags : If you want to add new/custom tag to use in the invoice/bill, you need to edit config_item_types.xml and config_item_tags.xml. In this example, we have created a new tag for CDMA service
a). Add the new tag element in the BRM_HOME/sys/data/pricing/example/config_item_tags.xml
b). Load tags using load_config_item_tags
$>. load_config_item_tags -dv config_item_tags.xml
c). Add the item tag configuration in the config_item_types.xml
<ItemDescription>CDMA Telephony</ItemDescription>
<ItemType precreate="true" type="cumulative">/item/misc</ItemType>
d). Load using load_config_item_types
$>. load_config_item_types -dv config_item_types.xml
Define the new service and service class
1). Add new service using the pipeline setup toolbox in pricing centre
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Tool Box" from pricing centre
b. Click on Product&Service
c. Click on Service. Make a new service
d. Give below entries on "Service" page:
Service Code | CDMAT |
Name | CDMA Telephony Service |
Rank | 1 |
Type of Service | Basic(choose from drop down) |
Ratable Usage Metric Group | DURATION-Duration (choose from drop down) |
General Ledger Account | 1420-National Airtime telephony |
Revenue Group | Blank |
Parent Service | Blank |
Basic | Click the check box |
PIN Service Type | /service/telco/cdma/telephony |
History |
e. Give below entries on "Service Class" page
Service Code | Service Class | Name | History |
CDMAT-CDMA Telephony Service | DEF | Default Service Class for CDMA TEL |
2. Add reference mapping
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on reference mapping
c. Click on Product & Service
d. Enter the following entries on "Reference Mapping" page
ID | CustomerData |
Referenced Object | /service/telco/cdma/telephony |
Referenced Column | Blank |
Referenced Parameter | /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma |
History |
3. Map service code
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on Mapping & Enhancement
c. Click on Map group
d. Map group looks like :
Map Group | Name | History |
ALL_RATE | Wireless Sample Mapping | |
INCOLLECT | Incollect Settlement Pipeline Mapping | |
OUTCOLLECT | Incollect Settlement Pipeline Mapping |
e. Click on ALL_RATE and edit
f. Goto to Service Code Map and create new with the following details
Map Group | ALL_RATE-Wireless Sample Mapping |
Name | Telephony service for CDMA |
External Service Code | CDMA.* |
Usage Class | .* |
Location Area Indicator VAS-Event | .* |
Quality of Service Requested | .* |
Quality of Service Used | .* |
Record Type | .* |
Intern Service Code | CDMAT-CDMA Telephony Service |
Intern Service Class | DEF |
History |
Note : Make sure that in the Service Code Map, new service map should come before default service(i.e, service map with name Everything else…)
4. Add container field for the new service
a. Open "Pipeline Setup Toolbox" from pricing centre
b. Click on EDR
c. Click on EDR Container Description. This page will look like as :
EDR Container Description | Name | History |
ALL_RATE | WIRELESS_SAMPLE contanier description | |
EXAMPLE | Exmaple container description |
d. Select ALL_RATE and edit. This will open EDR Conatiner Description with three tabs
i. EDR Container Description
ii. EDR Container Field
iii. Alias Mapping
e. Select Alias Mapping and create new Alias Mapping with the following details :
EDR Container Description | ALL_RATE - WIRELESS_SAMPLE conatiner description |
Reference | UniData_CustA |
Key | CDMAT |
Type | Internal(choose from drop down) |
Configuring Pipeline Manager to rate the events of the new service
1. Configure the IRL_EventTypeSplitting iScript to split EDRs by service code: Add
as the last line in the PIPELINE_HOME/iScriptLib/iScriptLib_Standard/
2. Edit wireless.reg to redirect output for CDMA, add the following piece of code/configuration
#The /service/cdma/telephony output stream
ModuleName = OUT_GenericStream
EventType = /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
Grammar = ./formatDesc/Formats/Solution42/V670_EVENT_LOADER_OutGrammar.dsc
DeleteEmptyStream = True
ModuleName = EXT_OutFileManager
OutputPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
OutputPrefix = test_CDMA
OutputSuffix = .out
TempPrefix = .
TempDataPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
TemDataPrefix = cdma.tmp.
TempDataSuffix = .data
Replace = TRUE
}# end of TELOutput
ModuleName = OUT_GenericStream
EventType = /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
ObjectCacheType = CONVERGENT
Grammar = ./formatDesc/Formats/Solution42/V670_EVENT_LOADER_OutGrammar.dsc
DeleteEmptyStream = True
ModuleName = EXT_OutFileManager
OutputPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
OutputPrefix = test_CDMA
OutputSuffix = .out
TempPrefix = .
TempDataPath = ./data/out/cdma/telephony
TemDataPrefix = cdma.tmp.
TempDataSuffix = .data
Replace = TRUE
}# end of CONV_TELOutput
3. Create IFW_HOME/data/out/cdma/telephony
$>. mkdir -p IFW_HOME/data/out/cdma/telephony
Changes in PIN_REL for loading rated events
1. Add the event tables for the new event in the of apps/pin_rel
infranet.rel.storable_class.event_delayed_session_telco_cdma.number_of_tables = 9 = event_t = event_bal_impacts_t = event_essentials_t = event_dlay_sess_tlcs_t = event_dlay_sess_tlcs_svc_cds_t = event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t = event_tax_jurisdictions_t = event_rum_map_t = tmp_profile_event_ordering_t
2. Create ctl file for CDMA before loading the events using pin_rel
a. Copy the original event_dlyd_session_tlco_gsm_t.ctl to event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t.ctl, as we are not changing anything on field level.
b. Open event_dlyd_session_tlco_cdma_t.ctl file and change the following…
(first the partition utility is run to create partition for /event/delayed /session/telco/cdma class)
partition_utils -o add -c /event/delayed/session/telco/cdma
New service is ready to use. You can start by creating new products. deals, discounts and plans.
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