Thursday, February 10, 2011

Configuring ERA tage - FF and CUG in Oracle BRM

This blog is useful for people who are working to provide support for new service in Oracle BRM. To provide features like "friends and family" or "CUG" to provide special rates to the customer who belong to these category, some customization needs to be done. Following are the steps to configure "FF" and "CUG" in Oracle BRM that includes customizations in Portal Infranet as well as Batch Pipeline :

1). Create provisioning tags for the new service

Decide on the tag that you want to create for FF or CUG  and add in the pin_telco_tags_gsm file. Load the pin_telco_tags_gsm using load_pin_telco_tags utility to create the provisioning tag in the database. An example is given below :

  •    Add the below tags in <PIN_HOME>/sys/data/config/pin_telco_tags_gsm
                      provisioning_tag "/config/telco/gsm/telephony" "FF5" "5 Friends & Family" "n"
                      service_era "FRIENDS_FAMILY" 12 31 "n" "FF5"

  • load pin_telco_tags file using the following command
                      load_pin_telco_tags -x -d -v pin_telco_tags_gsm

2). Configure description messages

  • Configure error description for the provisioning tag in the <PIN_HOME>/sys/msgs/eradescr/era_descr.en_us

                        ID = 30;
                       VERSION = 1;
                       STRING = This option provides special reduced usage rates when call is made any  
                                            of  6 special numbers configured as friends and fmaily";

  • Load this file into /string object using the following command :
                     load_localized_strings <PIN_HOME>/sys/msgs/eradescr/era_descr.en_us

3). Changes for new service

To support provisioning tags for new service, need to customize the fm_subscription_pol opcode by modifying the fm_subscription_pol_provisioning.c file

4). Change IScript

Include th following code in the <IFW_HOME>/iScriptLib/iScriptLib_Standard/ISC_ProfileAnalyzer.isc

//Analyze all the profiles
eraFound = false;
if(analyzeProfile(compareString,"CLOSED_USER_GROUP") == true){
  compProfName = "CLOSED_USER_GROUP";
String keys[];
Long i;
Long entries = hashKeys(labelMap, keys);
if (entries > 0){
 for (i = 0;i<entries -1 ;i=i+1){
   ProfLabelList = ProfLabelList + keys[i] + LabelSeparator;
ProfLabelList = ProfLabelList + keys[i];

if(compProfName == "CLOSED_USER_GROUP" and eraFound == true){
            edrString(DETAIL.USAGE_TYPE) = "CUG";

5). Create impact category and zone
       For zoning,
             1). Open pipeline toolbox, zone -> zone model
             2) Select All_Rate and edit
             3). Goto Usage Scenario Mapping

1 comment:

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