I recently noticed this application that converts the storable class representation in database to XML format. Its syntax is:
storableclasstoxml [-h] [-r <filename> [-o <objectname>]]
-h : display help information
-r <filename> : retrieves storable class for
1. /service and its sub classes
2. /event and its sub classes
3. /account class
and write it to <filename>
-r <filename> -o <objectname> : retrieves storable class for
<objectname> and write it to <filename>.
<objectname> can be /service, /event, /account,
/service/xyz or /event/xyz where xyz is a sub class
of either /service or /event. Multiple object types
can be passed with comma(',') separated.
I'm not sure in which all scenarios this XML representation will be useful. If anyone get a chance to explore this or if someone has already explored, please share with me.