Thursday, February 24, 2011

Partial (Short and Long) Accounting Cycles !

When the accounting cycle date is changed in the middle of an accounting cycle, the new date does not take effect until after the current accounting cycle is over. This results in a gap of time between the end of the old accounting cycle and the start of the new accounting cycle. For example, for a 30-day month, if the current accounting cycle ends on the 15th and the new cycle starts on the 1st, there is a gap of 15 days between the end of the old cycle and the start of the new cycle.

Short Accounting Cycle
By default, the BRM system treats extra days,between the old and new accounting cycle, of 15 days as a short, but complete accounting cycle. At the end of that short cycle, the accounting cycle resumes its normal monthly cycle.

Long Accounting Cycle
If the short cycle is less than 15 days, a long cycle is created instead. In that case, the extra days are added to the next one-month accounting cycle. This results in a long cycle with the start date of the old cycle and the end date of the new cycle.

Monthly charges are prorated for accounting cycles less than or greater than one month.

Short and long cycles with new accounts

A short or long cycle can also occur when a customer registers and the billing DOM is different from the day of month when they register. For example, your company might require that all customers be billed on the first day of the month. If a customer registers on January 26, by default the first bill is created on March 1. To bill the customer on February 1, you need to change the default partial billing cycle to short.

How BRM calculates long billing cycles

By default, BRM uses the following formula to calculate long billing cycles:
Use a short cycle unless one of the following is true:
  • Future billing day of month > current billing day of month
    (Future billing day of month - current billing day of month) < 15
  • Future billing day of month < current billing day of month
    (Current billing day of month - future billing day of month) > 15


  • If the current billing DOM is 1 and the future billing DOM is 10:
    10 > 1 10 - 1 = 9 Use a long cycle.
  • If the current billing DOM is 1 and the future billing DOM is 20:
    20 > 1 20 - 1 = 19 Use a short cycle.
  • If the current billing DOM is 10 and the future billing DOM is 1:
    1 < 10 10 - 1 = 9 Use a short cycle.
  • If the current billing DOM is 20 and the future billing DOM is 1:
    1 < 20 20 - 1 = 19 Use a long cycle.

Implementing a new service (CDMA) in BRM

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Invoice Number(Bill no) Formating

Here I'm presenting few guidelines to customize the invoice number format.

The out of the box format for the invoice number is :
Default Invoice : B1-BILLNO, e.g. B1-1234

We will take the case to customized Invoice number in the following format :
Customized Invoice Number : [ACCOUNT_POID]-BILLNO, e.g. 0000098976-1234
Where account_poid = 98976

For implementing the above change, we need to do the following steps :
1]. Customize the policy opcode : PCM_OP_BILL_POL_SPEC_BILLNO opcode needs modification to read sequence id(poid) from account object POID and replace B1 from default invoice number with the sequence id.
  To customize the PCM_OP_BILL_POL_SPEC_BILLNO, need to edit fm_bill_pol_spec_billno()  function of fm_bill_pol_spec_billno.c

    * Set the BILL_NO field according to poid
    vp = PIN_FLIST_FLD_GET(b_flistp,PIN_FLD_BILL_NO,1,ebufp);
    if((vp == (void *)NULL || (strlen((char *)vp) <= 0)) { // START OF IF BLOCK
        poid_db = PIN_POID_GET_DB(pdp);
        poid_id = PIN_POID_GET_ID(pdp);
        business_param_invoice_sequence_id_lt = psiu_bparams_get_int(ctxp, PSIU_BPARAMS_INVOICING_PARAMS,PSIU_BPARAMS_LENGHT_OF_SEQUENCE_ID,ebufp);
        printf(%s is the bill no", billno);
        /*start sequence */
        PIN_ERR_LOG_MSG(PIN_ERR_LEVEL_DEBUG,"--billno and poid--");
        PIN_FLIST_FLD_SET(b_flistp,PIN_FLD_BILL_NO,(void *)billno,ebufp);
   *out_flistpp = b_flistp;

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Defaults for billing

 Here are some billing related important parameters and their default/OOB behavior. 

Business decision
Default behavior
How to customize
Set the default billing
type to open item 
accounting or balance forward accounting.
Balance forward accounting. Change the actg_type entry 
in the CM configuration file
See Setting the default billing 
To customize the source code, 
Set the default 
accounting day to a 
specific day of the 
month, or to the day 
that the account 
was created.
The day that the account was created. For example, if a customer registers on the 15th, the accounting for that customer is done on the 15th.
By default, if the account was created on day 29 - 31, the accounting day is the 1st of the next month. You can change this to be able to use any day of the month.
To set the default accounting 
day of month, change the 
actg_dom entry in the CM 

configuration file.

Set the default number 
of accounting cycles 
in a billing cycle.
The billing cycle 
must be a 
whole-number multiple 
of accounting cycles.
Monthly billing (one accounting cycle per billing cycle). Change the bill_when 
entry in the CM 
configuration file (pin.conf).
Specify the  
system currency.
US dollars You must set the system 
currency when you 
install Portal.
Specify the 
default account 
currency for 
new accounts.
US dollars Change the currency entry 
in the CM 
configuration file.
Specify whether to 
create a long cycle 
or a short cycle 
when creating an 
account or changing 
the billing date.
If the short accounting cycle is 15 days or greater, create a short cycle. If the short accounting cycle is less than 15 days, create a long cycle. Customize the 
source code.
Specify a numbering 
scheme for bills.
Creates the bill number B-sequence number, for example, “B-81”. Customize the 
source code.
Change the cutoff 
time for billing, 
accounting, and 
start times.
For example, 
if your cutoff time 
is 10:00:00 a.m., 
any events that take 
place after 10:00:00 a.m. 
on that date will 
be included in the 
next billing run.
The cutoff time is midnight. Edit the
Bill sponsor group 
member accounts.
Sponsor group member accounts are not billed. Change the billing_flow_sponsorship 
and billing_flow_discount 
parameters in /config
/business_params object.
Change the number of 
days to delay billing.
Billing is not delayed. Change the  
entry in the CM  
configuration file
(pin.conf) and the 
pin_billd configuration file. 
Change how 
proration is calculated:
  • The number of days in the cycle.
  • The number of days in the month.
Number of days in the cycle. Change the use_number_of_days_in_month 
entry in the CM configuration file(pin.conf).
Align the purchase, 
cycle, usage start 
and end times with 
the accounting 
cycle if you set 
up products 
with delayed 
Start and end times are not aligned. Change the cycle_delay_align entry in the 
CM configuration file(pin.conf).

31 Day Billing in BRM

By default, the billing day of month (BDOM) can be set to any day between 1 and 28. If a customer signs up on 29th, 30th, or 31st, the BDOM gets set to the 1st. This is done because all months do not have these days. This can result in a large number of customers being billed on the 1st of the month.
This default setting can be changed to support billing on all days of the month. For example, if you create a customer account on the 29th, the billing day is set to the 29th instead of the 1st. 

Setting the alternate billing day of month

If your customers’ billing day of month (BDOM) is the 29th, 30th, or 31st, for the months that do not have these days, you can configure whether billing should be run on the last day for the same month (set to back option) or the first day of the next month (set to forward option). By default, the BDOM is set to the 1st day of the next month.

For example, if a customer registers on March 31st:
  • The set to back option sets the following billing dates:
    • March 31
    • April 30
    • May 31
In this example, since April doesn’t have 31 days, the BDOM is on the last day of April.
  • The set to forward option sets the following billing dates:
    • March 31
    • May 1
    • May 31
In this example, since April doesn’t have 31 days, the BDOM is on the first day of the following month, May. 

To set the BDOM to always be the last day of the month, set it to 31 and use the set to back option.

  • Using these special days means that BDOM varies from month to month in a calendar year.
  • The general ledger (GL) earned and unearned report accounts for the variation in the number of days in different accounting cycles.
  • The cycle fees are charged in full regardless of how many days there are in a month. Cycle fees will be prorated only in special cases, for example, if you cancel a service in the middle of a month, or if you register in the middle of a month and your billing day of month is different from the date of account creation, the cycle fee may be prorated for such months. 


Setting the 31 day billing feature

By default, billing does not use the special days 29th, 30th, and 31st. To use the special days, you must modify the init_objects.souce file before loading it into the database or modify the /config/fld_validate object using testnap.

By default, you can set the billing day of month (BDOM) to any day between 1 and 28. If your customer signs up on 29th, 30th, or 31st, the BDOM gets set to the 1st. This is done because all months do not have these days. This can result in a large number of customers being billed on the 1st of the month.
You can change this default setting to support billing on all days of the month. For example, if you create a customer account on the 29th, the billing day is set to the 29th instead of the 1st.

Setting the alternate billing day of month 

If your customers’ billing day of month (BDOM) is the 29th, 30th, or 31st, for the months that do not have these days, you can configure whether billing should be run on the last day for the same month (set to back option) or the first day of the next month (set to forward option). By default, the BDOM is set to the 1st day of the next month.
For example, if a customer registers on March 31st:
  • The set to back option sets the following billing dates:
    • March 31
    • April 30
    • May 31
In this example, since April doesn’t have 31 days, the BDOM is on the last day of April.
  • The set to forward option sets the following billing dates:
    • March 31
    • May 1
    • May 31
In this example, since April doesn’t have 31 days, the BDOM is on the first day of the following month, May.
To set the BDOM to always be the last day of the month, set it to 31 and use the set to back option.

  • Using these special days means that BDOM varies from month to month in a calendar year.
  • The general ledger (GL) earned and unearned report accounts for the variation in the number of days in different accounting cycles.
  • The cycle fees are charged in full regardless of how many days there are in a month. Cycle fees will be prorated only in special cases, for example, if you cancel a service in the middle of a month, or if you register in the middle of a month and your billing day of month is different from the date of account creation, the cycle fee may be prorated for such months.

Setting the 31 day billing feature

By default, billing does not use the special days 29th, 30th, and 31st. To use the special days, you must modify the init_objects.souce file before loading it into the database or modify the /config/fld_validate object using testnap.

>> Switching to 31 day billing during BRM installation

Before loading the init_objects.source file, change the value of the PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM field from 28 to 31 in the /config/fld_validate object which has the "Actg_cycle" value in the PIN_FLD_NAME field as follows:

# /config/fld_validate  - Actg_cycle validation
0 PIN_FLD_POID           POID [0] $PIN_CONF_DB_NO /config/fld_validate 606 0
0 PIN_FLD_DESCR           STR [0] "Field Validation"
0 PIN_FLD_HOSTNAME        STR [0] "-"
0 PIN_FLD_NAME            STR [0] "Actg_cycle"
1       PIN_FLD_FIELD_TYPE     INT [0] 2
1       PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM        NUM [0] 31
1       PIN_FLD_MINIMUM        NUM [0] 1

>>   Switching to 31 day billing after you have installed BRM

To switch to 31 day billing after you have installed Portal, use the testnap utility to set the Forward or Back billing option in the /config/business_params object

In this example, PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM is set to 31 indicating that Portal will use 31 day billing:

0 PIN_FLD_POID           POID [0] /config/fld_validate 606
1       PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM  DECIMAL [0] 31 

Setting the Forward and Back billing options

By default, the BDOM is set to the 1st day of the next month. If you use 31-day billing, you can choose to run billing on the last day for the same month (set to back option) or the first day of the next month (set to forward option).
You configure the BDOM by modifying a field in the billing class /config/business_params object created during Portal installation.
You modify the /config/business_params object by using the pin_bus_params utility.

To configure BDOM to be last day of the month or 1st day of the next month:
  1. Use the following command to create an editable XML file for the BusParamsBilling parameter class:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsBilling bus_params_billing.xml

This command creates the XML file named bus_params_billing.xml.out in your working directory. If you don’t want this file in your working directory, specify the full path as part of the file name.
  1. Search the XML file for following line:
  1. Change firstDay to lastDay.
  1. Use the following command to load the change into the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params bus_params_billing.xml  

You should execute this command from the PIN_HOME/sys/data/config directory, which includes support files used by the utility.
  1. Read the object with the testnap utility or the Object Browser to verify that all fields are correct.
  1. Restart Connection Manager (CM).
  1. For multiple databases, run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.

      Switching to 31 day billing during BRM installation

Before loading the init_objects.source file, change the value of the PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM field from 28 to 31 in the /config/fld_validate object which has the "Actg_cycle" value in the PIN_FLD_NAME field as follows:

# /config/fld_validate  - Actg_cycle validation
0 PIN_FLD_POID           POID [0] $PIN_CONF_DB_NO /config/fld_validate 606 0
0 PIN_FLD_DESCR           STR [0] "Field Validation"
0 PIN_FLD_HOSTNAME        STR [0] "-"
0 PIN_FLD_NAME            STR [0] "Actg_cycle"
1       PIN_FLD_FIELD_TYPE     INT [0] 2
1       PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM        NUM [0] 31
1       PIN_FLD_MINIMUM        NUM [0] 1

    Switching to 31 day billing after you have installed BRM

To switch to 31 day billing after you have installed Portal, use the testnap utility to set the Forward or Back billing option in the /config/business_params object

In this example, PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM is set to 31 indicating that Portal will use 31 day billing:

0 PIN_FLD_POID           POID [0] /config/fld_validate 606
1       PIN_FLD_MAXIMUM  DECIMAL [0] 31 

Setting the Forward and Back billing options

By default, the BDOM is set to the 1st day of the next month. If you use 31-day billing, you can choose to run billing on the last day for the same month (set to back option) or the first day of the next month (set to forward option).
You configure the BDOM by modifying a field in the billing class /config/business_params object created during Portal installation.
You modify the /config/business_params object by using the pin_bus_params utility.

To configure BDOM to be last day of the month or 1st day of the next month:
  1. Use the following command to create an editable XML file for the BusParamsBilling parameter class:
pin_bus_params -r BusParamsBilling bus_params_billing.xml  

This command creates the XML file named bus_params_billing.xml.out in your working directory. If you don’t want this file in your working directory, specify the full path as part of the file name.
  1. Search the XML file for following line:
  1. Change firstDay to lastDay.
  1. Use the following command to load the change into the /config/business_params object:
pin_bus_params bus_params_billing.xml  

You should execute this command from the PIN_HOME/sys/data/config directory, which includes support files used by the utility.
  1. Read the object with the testnap utility or the Object Browser to verify that all fields are correct.
  1. Restart Connection Manager (CM).
  1. For multiple databases, run the pin_multidb script with the -R CONFIG parameter.

31 Day Billing in BRM

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Currency Conversion in realtime rating

During realtime rating, currency conversion is handled by the following opcodes:
    This opcode fails if the specified time is not within the time range or if the source or destination currency is invalid. The ERROR_NOT_FOUND error code is returned.
    This opcode fails if no conversion rate is specified between the source and destination currency types. The ERROR_NOT_FOUND error code is returned.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Configuring product and deals synchronization !

Now, this one is required when you want to refresh the batch pipeline data for each new product and deal created. However, most of this can be found in the BRM official documentation, but the deal synchronization is little tricky and is not specified anywhere.

You need to do some configurations and some customizations for the synchronization to work for you. We will start with the configurations of the processes.

1). Configuring CM(connection manager) for synchronization

Edit the following parameters for synchronization in CM's pin.conf

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
- fm_publish enable_pulish 1
- cm em_pointer ip <hostname> <eai_js pointer>
- cm em_group publish PCM_OP_ PUBLISH_GEN_PAYLOAD
- fm_price log_price_change_event 1
Dm_pointer(for dm_eai)
- cm dm_pointer ip <hostname> <dm_eai port>
Dm_pointer(for dm_aq)
- cm dm_pointer ip <hostname> <dm_aq port>
(for dm_ifw_sync)
- cm dm_pointer ip <hostname> <dm_ifw_sync port>

2). Configuring DM_EAI for synchronization

Edit the following parameters for synchronization in DM_EAI's pin.conf

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
- dm plugin_name ./plugin_xml${LIBRARYEXTENSION}
- dm dm_db_no 0
- dm dm_port <port>

3). Configuring EAI_JS for synchronization

Edit the following parameters for synchronization in the of EAI_JS

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
server.portNr(both files)
<port no>
infranet.opcode.handler(both files)
configFile( file)
infranet.eai.configFile = <xml file>
configFile( file)
infranet.eai.configFile = <xml file>

4). Configuring DM_AQ for synchronization

Edit the following parameters for synchronization in the pin.conf properties file of DM_AQ

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
- dm plugin_name ./${LIBRARYPREFIX}plugin_aq10g${LIBRARYEXTENSION}
- dm_aq queue_map_file ./aq_queuenames
- dm dm_port <port>

4). Configuring DM_AQ for synchronization

Edit the following parameters for synchronization in the pin.conf properties file of DM_AQ

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
- dm plugin_name ./${LIBRARYPREFIX}plugin_aq10g${LIBRARYEXTENSION}
- dm_aq queue_map_file ./aq_queuenames
- dm dm_port <port>

In addition to editing pin.conf properties file of DM_AQ, you need to edit aq_queuenames. This step is optional and required only for synchronizing deals.

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
Adding business event under AQ_QUEUE

Following steps are optional and are required only for synchronizing deals

5). Configuring event notification

  • Edit the pin_notify file and add the following property :

Parameter Name
Recommended value and Comment
Add an entry to the pin_notify latest
1301 0 /event/audit/price/deal

  • Load pin_notify
           load_pin_notify pin_notify

6). Configuring business event (payloadconfig_crm_sync.xml) 

To publish business events for create or modify deal, include below given definitions under <EventDefs> in the payloadconfig_crm_sync.xml configuration file :

<DealCreateorModify Source="/deal" PinFld="PIN_FLD_EVENT_AUDIT" Tag="DealCreateorModify" StartEvent='/event/audit/price/deal">
<Attribute Tag="InstanceId" Value="Portal"/>
<Attribute Tag="xmlns" Value=""/>
<Attribute Tag="xmlns:xsi " Value=""/>
<Attribute Tag="xsi:schemaLocation" Value=""/>
<Search SearchFld="PIN_FLD_POID" SearchVal="PIN_FLD_OBJECT" SearchValFrom="PIN_FLD_EVENT_AUDIT"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_POID" Tag="DealPoid"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_NAME " Tag="Name"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_DESCR" Tag="Description"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_PERMITTED" Tag="ServiceType"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_START_T" Tag="DealStartDate"/>
<Field PinFld="PIN_FLD_END_T" Tag="DealEndDate"/>

7). Creating XSD for Business event defined above

Create DealCreateorModify.xsd under <PIN_HOME>/sys/eai_js/xsd

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNameSpace=""
            <xs:element name="DealCreateorModify">
                                    <xs:element ref="DealPoid"/>
                                    <xs:element ref="DealName"/>
                                    <xs:element ref="DealDescr"/>
                                    <xs:element ref="ServiceType"/>
                                    <xs:element ref="DealStartDate"/>
                                    <xs:element ref="DealEndDate"/>
                        <xs:attribute ref="InstanceId" use="required"/>
            <xs:element name="DealPoid" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="DealName" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="DealDescr" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="ServiceType" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="DealStartDate" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name=" DealStartDate" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="InstanceId" type="xs:string"/>

8). Configuring Oracle AQ - Registering for Notification

     1. Execute PL/SQL block to create an agent "aq_queue_subscriber"

   2. If above script fails, then try the PL/SQL block below :

                                                                               storage_clause=>'tablespace pin00 initrans 5 storage(initial 200k next 200k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)',



    3. Skip this step if step 1 was successful, else after completing step 2 successfully execute step 1 to create an agent

   4. Register an URL, which will invoke an http url when a queue gets enqueued. Execute the PL/SQL block below :

            reginfo               $_reg_info;
            reg_list                          $_reg_info_list;
            reginfo :=
                          $_reg_info('AQ_QUEUE:aq_queue_subscriber', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ,'', HEXTORAW('FF'));
            reg_list :=

9). Restart BRM services

Migrating PDC data from one system to another

Given System “A” with BRM and PDC and System “B” with BRM and PDC, following is the process for moving new or changed pricing data from ...